Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Visit to hospital !!

                        Recently I had a chance of visiting a famous hospital in my home town with my friend. I was well acquainted with the name of the hospital through several ads and hence I entered it with huge expectation of hospitality. I parked my bike in the parking area and walked through the gates of the hospital. The infrastructure of that hospital reminded me of some corporate company. Once we entered the hospital there was a big reception area. As we were new to that hospital we just went straight to the reception desk and enquired  about the token system and the timings for consultation. The woman seated there just threw a slip and asked us to fill it up. It was with many medical jargon asking details of the previous visit and some allergic drugs  that a common man wouldn't understand for sure. Seeing the face of the women we concluded that we could get no more assistance from her. We sought the help of a old man and he helped us in filling it out. He also said that he too struggled at the first time he came to that hospital. It brought us a relief because we thought only we were treated in a barbaric way. My first expectation of the hospitality shown in that ad went off !!

       We were called by that lady for registering our name for the token and she said we will be called after 8 people. We went to the reception and waited patiently for more than an hour. After that long wait I went to enquire that lady how long should we wait since my friend couldn't sit there for a long time with heavy fever. She just looked at my friend like some unliving thing and asked us to wait for some more time. As we were waiting, a car came into the restricted area and dropped a girl of teenage. She looked fine and I thought may be she might have come to meet someone there. She said a 'hi' to the lady at the reception desk and spoke to her for a minute. Then she came straight to the place where the patients have been waiting and sat in a corner. Some time later she took her good looking new mobile and started calling  her friend. She spoke as though she is the only girl in that whole area and laughed all through her conversation. A baby was crying with high cough and those sounds never went into her ears. She continued talking and the lady incharge who has to restrict such non sense inside the hospital seems to do nothing. 8th token was called and we waited eagerly for our turn as it happened to be the next.

             When the LED screen flashed our token number we just got up from our place and went near the consulting room. There we were stopped from entering the room and the girl who was disturbing all the way went in. We were shocked and we went straight to that lady and argued with her for a long time. A man there came and consoled us saying , the girl who entered before us was doctor's relative and she came to give doctor an invitation and she will be out soon. We waited and waited and finally an hour passed. The girl came out and we were let in. We thought of making a note of this nuisance happening outside the hospital to the doctor. We told the thing happened out and told how irritating it would be for the patients to wait outside with lots of trouble and asked him to keep his personal things out of the hospital. The doctor being a good man asked those things with calm and cool head assured that it wont happen again and he regretted for all. Then we understood from him that he has ordered the hospital people not to allow his relatives to meet him or to give priority to the people known to him and it is the people working there doing all sorts of non sense just to get close to his relatives for their own welfare.

We went out getting treated. We went to the medical store nearby and there the medical store people were arguing with a old man. After getting the medicine, we called that old man and asked what has happened. We were taken back hearing it. The old man came for the treatment of peptic ulcer and the doctor prescribed him with some medicine. As those medicines were not available in the store, the pharmacist working there gave some other equivalent drug which was allergic in nature to him. Now his peptic ulcer is aggravated and he is undergoing intense treatment !!

When I came home after these...the ad flashed on my TV "......excellent hospitality,world class facilities,best in the country....", for the very same hospital !!

The thing is if at all a company or a hospital have to reach out to the hearts of the are not the only way. There are lot other thing one might expect !! Especially some dignity towards people in these kind of public oriented services !!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patience !!

Are you a kind of a person who complains wasting time in meetings and public gatherings ? You actually doesn't mean 'wasting time'.. You lack patience !! Patience is the key not only for success but also for some sort of improvisation you need to make !! Now its the time to check your actual patience !! CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Never miss this !!

Have a look at these websites atleast once if you are gonna boast that surfing is your hobby !!!
CLICK ME !!!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Engineering Needs more of practicals !!!

when I came out my lab after getting my output verified my joy spell no bounds... Its not just the matter of completing yet an other subject in my Engineering, but also it is a LAB!!! Every engineering student knows the real worth of pain in completing a single laboratory. On the very first lab class one may be so curious to know everything that lays front of them. The touch of the transistor and resistors for the first time would make them feel like a life time achievement. The days will pass by and on one fine day the pressure starts mounting when you fail to record your reading in your observation. This in future will extend to records. The person who felt pride to do the experiments by touching new kits will feel it as a shame to do then after.

What turns the tale?

Its just the lecturer who handles us the laboratory. This may sound funny and you may think it is the propensity of every student to blame teachers. But the truth lies in it. When a student asks a professor "Sir/Madam could we do this in other way ?"..... The answer he gets straight away is " Do what I say !!"
From that the student will train himself not even to touch the components other than the things mentioned in the circuit diagram .
And if he dares to do that, he will be the least scorer in that particular laboratory !!
I am not here to blame the lecturers. They have to wrap up the syllabus...Show themselves as the best and first to complete the things in the syllabus. Not only that..every student must keep in their mind that the same lecturers would have been under the very same syllabus and would have been trained by the lectures of the same kind.
If one wishes to change anything....He/She must change the education system of our country. It is not that easy as the education has become more of business now. If the government is not capable of revising the fee of school, how come a citizen trust a government to change the education system of the future ? 
Let us get back to the business...

What is the use in making us learn equation when we doesnt know the application of it?
What is the use of the high cost instruments installed in labs where students are restricted to use it ?
I know that practical demonstration of each and every engineering concept is not possible...but is it too difficult to show us the transistor when the mechanism of radio is explained ? In my view, there is no worth in having theoretical classes for hours. Instead have one practical lab explaining the concept and that will do the rest. A mere count of twenty labs during the entire four year course in engineering is not at all fair to make an engineering student to solve the practical difficulty he is going to face later. How come the core companies recruit a student who has a mere practical experience of 60 hours during his entire course of engineering ? Eventually every one who studies different branches fall into IT company...  Then what is the use of dividing engineering students into branches !!!
Atleast by now the government to take measures to promote more practical engineering.
Let the government distribute proper components to demonstrate the concept to students instead of free books....
It is not over here !!! One kind request to the lecturers... No student will hate the practical class unless he is forced to come and asked to submit records.To be honest records are of no use. What is the necessity to draw resistor to 2cm and transistor to 3cm ? No student will keep that record for his future reference. Don't torchure the student to submit his record or to come with the dress code. Instead make him feel that lab is the place where he could learn something through visualization.Make him understand that he is not brought to lab to reduce his confidence rather to increase his knowledge.
If you(lecturer) doesn't know something please admit it and when the student comes out with the solution appreciate it. Education is continual learning process and that has to be done by both.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Even the best of students can fail a class in college. It may not be what you wanted, but it happened -- and figuring out what to do next is just as important as preventing it from happening again.

  1. Learn what impact the grade will have on your academics. Are you no longer eligible for the next course in a series? Do you need to rearrange your schedule next semester? Do you need to register again for this class? Do you need to take a summer course to stay on track for graduation?
  2. Learn what impact the grade will have on your financial aid. Many schools allow for an academic slip-up here and there (financially speaking), but if you are on academic probation, are not taking enough units, or have any other sort of complication, failing a class can have a major impact on your financial aid. Check with the financial aid office about what your failed grade may mean for your particular situation.
  3. Be honest with yourself about why you failed. Did you party too much? Over-commit yourself to cocurricular activities? Not study enough for the tests? Turn in assignments late? Have a bad professor you need to make sure you don't get again? Figuring out where things went wrong can help you figure out what you'll need to get right in order to pass this class (and any other) in the future.
  4. Tell your parents or anyone else you may need to. Your parents may not have a legal right to your grades, but you may still need to tell them. Putting the failed grade out into the open will give you one less thing to stress about and, hopefully, provide you with the support you need to prevent it from happening again.
  5. Move on and let go. So you failed a class. True, it can have major implications, but it's not the end of the world. Admit you messed up, figure out what happened, and move on. Since you're in college to learn, take away what you can from the experience and make the most of it -- because that's what college is supposed to be all about anyway, right?